
PICUS: Rapidly tunable dual-color picosecond laser

Wavelength conversion in an all-fiber optical parametric oscillator, pumped by a stable fiber laser provides an unmatched combination of tuning speed and tuning range. Our patented tuning mechanism requires no mechanical delay and allows comfortable fiber-delivery of synchronized dual-color pulses. We minimize requirements on maintenance and environmental conditions by polarization-maintaining fiber technology


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The PICUS is additionally available in an OEM version. Housed in a standard 19" enclosure, the PICUS OEM is made for easy integration into your imaging device. Two fiber-coupled outputs allow comfortable fiber-delivery of synchronized dual-color pulses offside an optical table. With the same specifications as the red-capped table-top version, the PICUS OEM enables applying coherent Raman imaging in a multitude of environments.


of both PICUS and PICUS OEM:

Technical specifications Output A Output B
Tuning range 750-980 nm 1020 - 1052 nm
Tuning speed <5 ms <1 ms
Average power >150 mW 500 mW
Covered wavenumbers 700-3530 cm-1
Pulse duration 7 ps
Spectral bandwidth <12 cm -1
Repetition rate 40.5 MHz
Contact us with your application idea if you are interested in testing our systems. Stay tuned for more information on our femtosecond and nanosecond versions by subscribing to our newsletter!